If you want a period drama, go to Wakaratei Part 3 "Jirocho and Ishimatsu" (87 min.) (Released on June 3, 1953) Based on the original story by Murakami Genzo Directed by Makino Masahiro Cast: Kobori Akio, Wakayama Setsuko, Morishige Hisaya, Koizumi Hiroshi, Kuji Asami and others The foolish Ishimatsu (Morishige Hisaya) and the playful Oiwake Sangoro (Koizumi Hiroshi) fall in love at first sight with a woman they see at a gambling den, and then comes the appearance of the nagebushi Onaka (Kuji Asami). Meanwhile, the Jirocho family, who have been arrested for their involvement in the gambling den, go on a rampage in the prison. The end of the Jirocho family's violent journey is finally approaching. #perioddrama #JirochoRomanceoftheThreeKokus #MakinoMasahiro #MorishigeHisaya #MoriNoIshimatsu #ShimizuJirocho #japanesehistoricaldrama #samuraimovie #perioddrama