Jiddu Krishnamurti - Watch and Be Still


Corvo Seco

Published on Premiered Feb 7, 2022
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Excerpts from the books “Questions and Answers” ​​and “The Book of Life”, by Jiddu Krishnamurti. Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 - 1986) was an Indian philosopher, writer, orator and educator. Krishnamurti gave speeches that covered topics such as psychological revolution, meditation, knowledge, freedom, human relationships, the nature of the mind, the origin of thought and the realization of positive changes in global society. He constantly stressed the need for a revolution in the psyche of every human being and emphasized that such a revolution could not be brought about by any external entity, be it religious, political or social. A revolution that could only occur through self-knowledge; as well as the correct practice of meditation, freeing man from any and all forms of psychological authority. ???? Get Jiddu Krishnamurti's books through our Amazon link: https://amzn.to/4j8T94f ???? Check out our list of recommendations: https://www.amazon.com.br/shop/corvoseco “Truth is not for those who are respectable, nor for those who desire their own expansion, their own fulfillment. Truth is not for those who seek security, permanence; for the permanence they seek is only the opposite of transience. Having been caught in the net of time, they seek that which is permanent, the permanent they seek is not the real, because what they seek is the product of their thinking. Thus, a man who wants to discover reality must stop seeking - which does not mean that he must be content with what is. On the contrary, a man who wants to discover truth must be, inwardly, a complete revolutionary. He cannot belong to any class, to any nation, to any group or ideology, to any organized religion; because truth is not to be found in the temple or in the church, truth cannot be found in the things contrived by the hands or the mind. Truth comes only when the things of the mind and the hand are put aside, and this putting aside of the things of the mind and the hand is not a question of time. Truth comes to one who is free from time, who is not using time as a means of expanding himself. Time means the memory of yesterday, the memory of your family, of your race, of your particular character, of the accumulation of your experience which constitutes the ‘I’ and the ‘mine’.” Jiddu Krishnamurti. “We may become more refined, more subtle, more detailed, change our pleasures, but at the centre of all this there is the ‘I’—the ‘I’ which is enjoying, which wants more happiness, the ‘I’ which seeks, yearns for happiness, the ‘I’ which struggles, the ‘I’ which becomes more and more refined, which never wants to come to an end. It is only when the “I” in all its subtle forms comes to an end that there is a state of ecstasy which cannot be sought after, an ecstasy, a real joy, without pain, without corruption… When the mind goes beyond thought, beyond the “I”, the experiencer, the observer, the thinker, then there is the possibility of a happiness which is incorruptible. If we can understand the process of life, without condemning, without saying it is right or wrong, then I think there comes a creative happiness which is not in the “I” or the “mine”. This creative happiness is like the sunlight. If you want to keep the sun for yourself, it does not remain for long giving life and warmth. In the same way, if you want happiness because you are suffering, or because you have lost someone, or because you are not successful, then that is just a reaction. But when the mind can go beyond that, there is a happiness which is not of the mind.” Jiddu Krishnamurti “All the many layers of the mind have to be perceived, investigated, but not by introspection. Self-analysis does not reveal the totality of the mind, because there is always a separation between the analyst and the thing analyzed. But if you can observe the operations of your mind, without a tendency to judge, evaluate, without condemnation or comparison - simply observe, as one observes a star, dispassionately, calmly, without anxiety - then you will observe that self-knowledge is not dependent on time, it is not a process of penetrating the unconscious in order to remove all the “motives” or to understand the various impulses and compulsions. What creates time is comparison, there is no doubt; and because our mind is the result of time, it can only think in terms of more - and that is what we call progress.” Jiddu Krishnamurti. Music: Autumn Sky Meditation ( • Autumn sky meditation 7618 ) ======================================= ???? Corvo Seco is a study group on non-duality. ???? Help maintain our channel: PIX: [email protected] ???? Instagram: / corvoseco ???? Facebook: / corvoseco ???? Get in touch: [email protected] #Krishnamurti #Self-knowledge

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