Price of Jersey Cows in My Region Low Milk, 5 Advantages of the Jersey Breed, Small Farm. In this video we will show the price of Jersey cows and heifers in my region, in addition to the low milk price and the 5 main advantages of the Jersey breed on a small farm. #jersey #milk #price #cow #heifer #cows #cow #milk #profit #farm #farm #makemoney #cattle #dairyfarm #livestock #cows #milkcow #livestock #dairyfarming #countrylife #lifeonthefarm #lifeonthefarm #god #godincommand #godisfaithful #entrepreneurialwoman #agriculturalwoman #countrywoman #woman #minasgerais #countryside #paraná #parana #saopaulo #riodejaneiro #riograndedonorte #agricultural #agriculture #agriculture #farm #viral #agriculture #agronomy #farm #countryfarm #simplicity #countrylife #entrepreneurialwoman #agriculture #agriculture #agribusiness #farm #farmland #countryside #dailydayinthecountryside #dailyday #dailydayofthewomaninthecountryside