Serdar Akdoğar discusses every aspect of love with expert guests on his program ''Başka Gündem''. • Is jealousy a healthy behavior? • How does the pain of love end? • How long does separation trauma last? • How to get over the divorce process? Guests: • Philosopher and Writer Prof. Dr. Betül Çotuksöken • Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Aytül Çorapçıoğlu Özdemir • Academician - Psychological Counselor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zümra Atalay • Neurology Specialist Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı Everything about humans, the universe, and life is on "Başka Gündem"... Serdar Akdoğar asks, Turkey's most ambitious names, important scientists, writers, and experts answer from a completely different perspective. Başka Gündem is on Saturday at 21:00 on Haber Global