Synopsis of the comedy film Residential Camp: The movie Residential Camp, the story of the series takes place in a barracks located in one of the border areas. On the eve of Nowruz, the leave of several soldiers of the garrison is not agreed. Those soldiers, who happen to be from Tehran and are also friends, decide to escape from the barracks, but each time they encounter a closed door, and these adventures lead to the creation of comedic situations… Synopsis of the Iranian comedy film Residential Camp 👆👆👆👆 Javad Ezzati, Ali Sadeghi, Mehran Ghafourian, Mehran Rajabi in the Iranian comedy film Residential Camp - Comedy Film Irani Gharargahe Maskooni ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Film Irani Gharargahe Maskooni Synopsis of the comedy film of the residential camp: The movie of the residential camp, the story of the series takes place in a barracks located in one of the border areas. On the eve of Nowruz, the leave of some soldiers of the garrison is not agreed. The soldiers, who happen to be from Tehran and are friends with each other, decide to run away from the barracks, but every time they close the door, and these events lead to the creation of comedic situations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other actors of the Iranian comedy film Residential Camp Director: Seyyed Javad Rezavian Writer: Alireza Masoudi Producer: Mohammadreza Takhtkashian Subject (genre): Social, Comedy Year of production: 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actors of the Iranian comedy and funny film Residential Camp Javad Ezzati Seyyed Javad Rezavian Ali Sadeghi Mehran Ghafourian Mehran Rajabi Arzhang Amirfazli Mohsen Ghazimoradi Shohreh Lorestani Ramsin Kobariti Yousef Sayadi Siavash Mofidi Mahmoud Bahrami Maedeh Tahmasbi Seyyed Reza Hosseini Fatemeh Hashemi Seyyed Ali Salehi Shahram Ghaedi Arash Nozari Qasem Zare Bijan Pishdadi Mahsa Keramati Ali Osiound Babak Nahrin Mehdi Sabaei ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #JavadEzzati #Ali_Sadeghi #Mehran_Ghafourian #Yousef_Sadeghi #JavadRazvian #Mehran_Rajbi #Alisadeghi_Comedy_Film #top_persian_movies #Leilarezabahram #Sised_Concert #Alisadeghi #Javad_Ezzati_Comedy_Movie #Sised_Theater ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------