Jaundice is a physiological phenomenon that manifests itself to some extent in all children. However, sometimes it goes beyond the normal range. A neonatologist explains how jaundice is monitored in newborns at the ISIDA clinic and how it is corrected. ???? What are the causes of jaundice in newborns? ???? Why is jaundice dangerous in infants? ???? When does jaundice in newborns go away and should it be treated? “Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes and sclera. Jaundice in a child is associated with an increase in bilirubin in the blood. Jaundice in adults and older children is always associated with a dangerous disease. And this is true. Usually, it is associated with some infectious processes, tumors, serious diseases, toxic liver damage. For newborns, jaundice is a very special condition that is not associated with serious changes in the liver. They are physiological for this age, since the entire digestive system of a newborn baby is immature,” says Natalya Vladimirovna Tishchenko, pediatrician-neonatologist at the ISIDA clinic. https://goo.gl/4B8q3j Why does jaundice occur in newborns? In children under 1 month of age, the digestive system is completely improved. In addition, specific processes occur in the bone marrow and hematopoietic system - fetal hemoglobin is destroyed and the so-called adult hemoglobin is formed. One of the decay products is the bile product bilirubin, which accumulates in the blood and colors the skin yellow. How dangerous can jaundice be in a newborn? This is a fairly toxic substance, but it all depends on the amount of bilirubin in the blood. Absolutely all newborns have a small amount. An increase in the bilirubin content in the blood leads to the fact that it impregnates the mucous membranes, skin, sclera and even brain tissue, which is especially dangerous. Toxic effects on brain tissue cause the child to become weak, have low activity, suckle weakly, and have decreased reflexes. In this case, examination and treatment are necessary. But most often, physiological jaundice in children does not lead to such consequences. Jaundice in newborns passes without a trace in most cases during the first month of life. How to treat jaundice in newborns To differentiate whether jaundice is dangerous or not for a child, it is necessary to be under the supervision of a doctor to determine the level of bilirubin. This will allow you to develop a treatment strategy and understand that the baby does not need help and all that is needed is just to wait for some time. One of the methods for treating jaundice in newborns is the use of phototherapy lamps. These are blue lamps with a certain type of wave, this is not quartz. They are not dangerous for the child, they help bilirubin to break down and leave the body faster. Download the booklet “First Patronage” and get the necessary knowledge about breastfeeding from the specialists of the ISIDA clinic at the link - https://goo.gl/j2GGf3 Also learn about “Important aspects of a child’s health” from the article by pediatrician Lyudmila Vladimirovna Polonskaya. https://goo.gl/CVVFBk Learn from the article by pediatrician, Deputy General Director for Medical Affairs Andrey Vilensky https://goo.gl/g7wdw7 about the principles on which the work of the pediatric department of the ISIDA clinic is based. ???? Do you have any questions? Call the ISIDA clinic at 0 800 60 80 80, +38 (044) 455 88 11 and we will be happy to answer them. Or ask your question on our specially created page https://isida.ua/qas/ ???? Join us on social networks: ???? Facebook https://goo.gl/Kasnc5 ✍ Twitter https://goo.gl/PEhQuJ ???? Instagram https://goo.gl/dhSr1D ???? and also on Slideshare.net https://goo.gl/Ksx57B ???? We will be glad to see you at the ISIDA clinic department that is convenient for you: ???? ISIDA Medgorodok - Vaclav Havel (Ivan Lepse) Boulevard, 65, https://isida-medgorodok.isida.ua ???? ISIDA Obolon - Heroyiv Stalingradu Ave., 22, https://isida-obolon.isida.ua ???? ISIDA Levoberezhnaya - Raisa Okipnoy St., 8-B, https://isida-levoberezhnaya.isida.ua ???? ISIDA Pechersk - Kruglouniversitetskaya St., 13-A, https://isida-pechersk.isida.ua