Japanese Movie Title Kamisama No Iu Toori (As The Gods Will) Release: 2014 Genre: Adventure, Thriller, Horror, School Synopsis: This story tells of a group of students who are trapped in a series of deadly games controlled by gods. They must follow the rules of the game and survive if they want to survive the increasing threat of death. Their lives and deaths depend on their decisions and actions in this game. Credit: Music: Shell Ghost by Soundridemusic Link to Video: • Cinematic Tension Trailer NoCopyright... Music: Unravel by kijugo Link to video: • unravel (Tokyo Ghoul but is it okay i... Hashtag aja #alurcerita #filmjepang #alurfilm #kamisamanoiutoori #asthegodswill #filmthriler #thriller #berandayt ##survival #filmsurvival #survivalfilm #daruma #dolls #doll films