Title: “Garden Work in January: Planting, Cutting, and Planning the Season ????❄️” Video description: January is a great time for gardening, even in the middle of winter! In this episode, I share practical tips to help you take care of your garden and plan for the upcoming season. You will learn: • Can I still plant tulips, hyacinths, crocuses, or garlic? ???? • What to do when bulbs start to come out of the ground too early? • How and when to prune trees, such as maple or birch, in winter? ???? • How to effectively plan the garden season - from ordering seeds to choosing products needed for sowing and gardening. I will also take you on a walk around my garden, where I will show you what happens to the plants in winter and how I prepare for spring. ???? This is the perfect time to think about a strategy for the new garden season and put it into practice. Subscribe to my channel to stay up to date with more gardening inspiration and tips! ???? Any questions? Leave a comment and I'll be happy to answer! ???? Click "Like" if you enjoyed the video and share it with other garden lovers! #GardenWork #SeasonPlanning #GardenTips #BulbRosins #GardenInWinter