▪︎Content Medallion filmed for Jan Pivka's 60th birthday in 1967... The acting legend of the National Theater met his friends in front of the cameras on the occasion of his life anniversary. It was thus possible to capture a number of memories of Jan Pivec's beginnings as an actor - first-hand, so to speak. His colorful narrative includes years of study tramps, first volunteer experiences and then a journey through the Osvobozené theater and the Slovak National Theater to the Zlatá kaplička, where Pivce was invited by the head of the local drama, Karel Hugo Hilar. Space was also given to examples of Pivac's mature acting in the characters of Iago from Shakespeare's Othello and Padre Gregorio from Don Juan. (Czech Television) __________________________________________________________________________ Documentary / Biographical Czechoslovakia, 1967, 42 min Director: František Filip Starring: Jan Pivec, Václav Voska, Miroslav Doležal, Jan Drda #CzechOldies #Czechia #Retro