New skill? It's in your hands! Come see Anhanguera's free online courses. Access here. https://www.anhanguera.com/lps/parcer... --------------------------- It's Bananas T-shirt: https://www.spacetodaystore.com.br/ca... --------------------------- Astronomy Course with Sérgio Sacani: https://academyspace.com.br/bigbang/ --------------------------- Sérgio comments on the most impactful science news of the week. --------------------------- The links discussed in the episode are available on our NV99 platform website: https://nv99.com.br/cienciasemfim --------------------------- SEND YOUR MESSAGE https://nv99.com.br/cienciasemfim/live ---------------------------- Commercial Contact: [email protected] ---------------------------- HOST: Sérgio Sacani Twitter @spacetoday1 Instagram @spacetoday1 OPERATION: Cristian Meireles Instagram @cristian.mcruz PRODUCTION: Gabi Augusta Instagram @gabiaugusta_ SOCIAL MEDIA: Bia Gonçalves Instagram @soubiagoncalves CUTS OF CIÊNCIA SEM FIM / @cortescienciasemfim 00:00:00 START 00:15:48 UNPUBLISHED IMAGES of VSB 30 [BRAZILIAN ROCKET] 00:32:24 SERJÃO CRITICIZES the BRAZILIAN AIR FORCE!!! 00:36:13 THESE ARE the NEXT ROCKET LAUNCHES 01:08:33 NEW INCREDIBLE DISCOVERIES by JAMES WEBB 01:24:52 THESE PROBLEMS IN GALAXIES WERE DISCOVERED 1:30:15 DISCOVER JAMES WEBB'S NEW RECORD 01:36:53 SERJÃO EXPLAINS WHAT GRAVITATIONAL LENSING IS 01:46:14 INCREDIBLE DISCOVERY of BLACK HOLES 02:04:09 THIS IS WHY THE BLACK HOLE LOOKS LIKE A SPIRAL