????Izh's Life - / @izh50 IZH PLANETA 5 from JUNK to CANDY 2 YEARS LATER! HAVE I RUINED IT ALREADY?! A lot of people were following the restoration of the Izh Planeta 5 motorcycle on my channel. I tried very hard on this project, junk turned into candy) What happened to it 2 years later? Did I ruin it?! ➤My videos in VK video - https://vk.com/club141196948 ➤My VK - https://vk.com/id209615710 ➤Not allowed - / wheel_rid ➤SECOND CHANNEL - https://clck.ru/JJuoF Support the channel - http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/wheeli... ➤ Map (if the link doesn't work) - 2200 7007 9289 4056 (Tinkoff) #izhplanet5 #izh #planet5 #izhplanet #motorcycle #motorcycle #wheelierider Hello everyone! I'm Wheelie Rider. I make videos about motorcycles. On the channel you will see both Soviet and Chinese motorcycles, such as Minsk, Voskhod 3m, Stealth Delta 200, Izh Jupiter 5, Izh Planeta 5 and many others) Enjoy watching, my motorcycle-obsessed friend!