University candidates! With only a few days left until the application period, for those who are undecided about their department and school choices or are curious about this department, Burak Uzuntaş told us about Ship and Ocean Technology Engineering, which is only available at Istanbul Technical University in Turkey. You can watch our video for the answers to the questions we have listed below. Subscribe to our channel and follow our Instagram account, send us your questions via DM and let us answer your questions about maritime! Questions; 1. What is Ship and Ocean Technology Engineering? 2. What are the differences between Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering? 3. In which areas can someone who graduates from Ship and Ocean Technology Engineering work? 4. Can a person who graduates from Ship and Ocean Technology Engineering only work on oil platforms in the field of Marine Technology? 5. How can you improve yourself to make a difference before entering the sector? 6. How much money does a Ship and Ocean Technology engineer earn? 7. What are the benefits of studying this department at ITU? We know, you are bored of these dark days and looking for something to distract your mind. So what are you looking for? 🔺A practical recipe that you can cook in 15 minutes? 🔻A fun activity that you can do at home with your pet? 🔺A beautiful poetry book to read? Or coloring on a paper? 🔻Or an action-packed war game that you will have fun playing? Here we are HERE to tell you everything you are looking for on both our Instagram and YouTube channels! Don't forget to subscribe, like and comment! Instagram: / hakkındamlazimtv Twitter: / hakkındamlazimtv