The fifth installment of the series "I stayed there and it was amazing!", which explores the charms of lodgings and their surroundings, is set at Tsubame Sanso, a mountain hut located on the ridge of Mount Tsubame (2,763m) in the Northern Alps. The director experienced the secret behind the popularity of this lodging, which was ranked first in a survey of readers of a mountaineering magazine as "a mountain hut that was good to stay at" and "a mountain hut that people would like to stay at". Tsubame Sanso is located at an altitude of 2,712m. It is about a five-hour climb from the trailhead at Nakabusa Onsen. Along the way, the director climbed through the forest, drawing strength from the climbers he passed and the pretty flowers that bloomed. After passing four rest points, he arrived at Kassengoya. Here, he enjoyed the local specialties that blew away his fatigue. He regained his energy and headed for Tsubame Sanso. The trees that were hanging over him disappeared, and the climb came to an end. When he stood on the ridge, Mount Tsubame, also known as the queen of the Northern Alps, jumped right in front of him. Then I turn around and realize I have arrived at my lodging, Tsubamesanso. Tsubamesanso was founded in 1921. It is currently run by the third generation owner, Akanuma Takeshi. The interior of the building still retains its newness even after more than a hundred years. The museum-like dining room has souvenirs designed by artists, and the main building, built by the first generation owner, is engraved with patterns that convey the building's history. While inheriting the old things, Akanuma also made some major reforms when he took over the hut. This caused some employees to rebel and quit... but over the years, that decision has now become the secret to its popularity. Like! Shinshu Sugodikarahttps://www.abn-tv.co.jp/sugodikara/ #NorthernAlps #Tsubamesanso #Mountainhut #Stayingtherewasamazing