It's easier to suffer than to change ⚖️ Increase your emotional freedom with the Diploma in Bioneuroemotion ➽ https://bit.ly/Diplomado_en_Bioneuroe... Subscribe ???? http://bit.ly/suscribete-enric-corbera to learn about Enric Corbera's new videos Find more Lectures by Enric Corbera ➽ https://bit.ly/Conferencias-Enric-Cor... What makes us continue to accept situations or circumstances that cause us suffering? Although it may seem illogical, we often identify the origin of our suffering but still continue to behave in the same way, despite knowing the results it entails. Many times the origin of this attitude lies in our difficulty in changing certain parts of ourselves with which we have identified to such an extent that, in order not to give them up, we are willing to bear their weight. 00:00 Introduction 01:37 From duality to unity 04:23 Changing from understanding 07:42 The key to resistance to change 11:33 A treasure is hidden in every adversity 14:23 Suffering is the work of your thoughts 15:56 Changing your inner experience 18:11 Addiction to sacrifice and suffering 21:38 Manipulation vs. Authenticity 24:30 Questioning the way we see the world 28:23 Perceiving suffering as a virtue 30:15 The most common blocks 33:34 The faces of suffering 36:37 What stops me from changing? 42:24 Secondary benefits of suffering 45:09 Stop looking for excuses and culprits 48:42 Reflections on love 51:28 What does liberation entail? 59:14 Learning from pain 01:02:39 Reflections 01:04:05 Why am I suffering? 01:07:59 Reversing thought 01:10:47 Living from the consciousness of unity 01:13:30 Recovering the power to choose 01:16:54 Releasing the past to create a new future 01:20:07 Who do I want to be in this situation? 01:22:38 The path of wisdom In this conference, Enric Corbera will explain the main resistances we can experience when facing change and will offer guidelines and resources to overcome them in order to enhance our emotional coherence and freedom. It is time to decide who we want to be in the face of what happens to us and what we experience. Enric Corbera is one of the most internationally recognized thinkers in the field of personal development and well-being. He promotes a holistic vision of health in which our thoughts, emotions and beliefs influence our body and our environment. He is the creator of the Bioneuroemotion method, a humanistic method that studies the relationship between emotions, mind and body in order for people to enhance their well-being. More information about the Diploma in Bioneuroemotion at this link: https://bit.ly/Diplomado_en_Bioneuroe... Subscribe to his Channel ➽ https://bit.ly/suscribete-enric-corbera. Follow us on other Social Networks: Facebook Enric Corbera Institute: http://bit.ly/2PvELVL Instagram: http://bit.ly/2BDRYZH Twitter: https://bit.ly/2J6HEwX Linkedin: https://bit.ly/2TAXYes #conferenciasenriccorbera #bienestaremocional #enriccorbera #bioneuroemocion #saludemocional #bioneuroemoción