How much would you buy it for? ???? WE READ YOU Remember that we review all types of second-hand vehicles: passenger cars, 4x4s, SUVs, vans and sports cars. If you need help when buying your next car, click here and request your pre-purchase review ???????? https://bit.ly/needcarhelp-tarifas Or talk to us on WhatsApp to resolve your doubts here ???????? https://bit.ly/inicia-chat ✅ We travel for you to review the car you want to buy. ✅ We are 100% impartial. Rest easy knowing what you are buying. ✅ We send you a report, photos and videos of all the details. ✅ Knowing the market, we advise you on its condition and price so that you can negotiate with foundations. ????We currently review in these areas and their surroundings: Barcelona Madrid Valencia Malaga Seville Granada Murcia Alicante Zaragoza Logrono Pamplona Bilbao A Coruña #car #secondhand #review #usedcar #bmw #bmwx5 #vehicle #usedvehicles