Hello with you! Thanks for watching. In this section where my hair changes between blue and gray I talk about the following: #lightweighthipster by @jojilocatelli Fv. Asparagus in #singlemerino @itsyarndk. Used just under 100g. #talesoftheisleofpurbeck by @annierowden Approx. 110 g. #itsforsocks from @itsyarndk fv. July the sock club and almost 50 g undyed mohair #cardicocoon by @anneventzel #anneventzel Knitting in 3 threads. 1 lambswool and 2 strands of mohair. The colors are mentioned in the video #bregnesweater #fernsweater by @knittingforolive #knittingforolive #tynnline fv. 2631 from @sandnesgarn and #silkmohair fv. fly rust from @itsyarn #atriumpullover by @yamagara Fv. Earth, wind and fire, Gold medal and Candyfloss from @itsyarn in #merinosingle #ankertee by @petiteknit #tynnline fv.6531 I'm also talking about #isager yarn in several colors. If you want a color code on one of them, please write. However, I am on holiday until 15 August 2021. Good day to you Kh Marlene