Snakehead season but met a giant sataw. This is the biggest I've ever seen! Come to my beloved Sri Dam!!! The snakehead season is here, but we came a little later than everyone else. Of course, the cobra snakehead must be good. That was our main target on this trip. And the highlight of the trip was the villagers' giant sataw fish. It was so big. We'd never even touched it before. Now we met it in person. Lure: New! Fierce Mini!! ???? Lure: Camelon V2. Camelon rubber lizard Rod: Mahseer Beast 70MH 12-25lb Hook: Mustad Lure: Argus Slashbait double blades, Argus Plus Buzzbait knocking blade Line: Brackish PE 8X super tough Social Media Facebook: / mahseer.tack . . Instagram: / tupfishplanet Facebook Shop/Store: / mahseertackle Interested in products and advertising, please contact Shop and advertisement Please contact www.facebook.com/mahseertackle #Snakehead #Snakeheadfish #SrinakarinDam