646) Regular trains started running on the line from Krupá via Kněževes to Kolešovice in 2006. Since then, this local has been known for nostalgic rides organized by the KHKD association or the ČD Museum in nearby Lužná u Rakovníka. Between October 3 and November 29, 2024, regular passenger services were temporarily resumed due to the closure of the local road. These services were operated by Die Länderbahn CZ with a borrowed orchestrion 810.009 from FAN RAIL. Of course, we took a ride! As an extra, we offer a few shots from the extraordinary deployment of the 810.381 machine (of the KŽC Doprava company) on the S34 city line between the stations Praha Masarykovo nádraží and Praha-Čakovice.