There are surprisingly many people who say that they are easily irritated and have a hard time because they are too sensitive. There are two types of sensitivity. One is when the sensory organs are sensitive and react much more sensitively to external stimuli. Even noises of the same size sound louder and more annoying. The other is when the amygdala is easily activated by external stimuli, causing negative emotions without you knowing it. This is when anger or irritation builds up when things go a little beyond your expectations or when things don't go your way. These people easily get angry even at trivial words and often fall into a state of unhappiness in their daily lives. Today, we will learn about what to do when negative emotions such as irritation or anger are habitually expressed even at trivial external stimuli. --- #Internal communication #Meditation #Easy to be active #Sensitivity #Sensitivity #Anger #Irritation #Amygdala stabilization