During the covid pandemic, actress Jana Bernášková managed to finish the book How to Survive Your Husband, which became a bestseller. According to her, a movie will be made now. She knows them from the series Vyprávej, during which she got married. Why were you and your husband not likeable at first glance? Is she the heroine of the books herself? Why does he recommend working with a coach? In what sports does her son, who came to the end of the broadcast to the studio, excel? More in Adély Gondíková's Close Encounters on Dvojka Listen to Close Encounters as a podcast in the mujRozhlas mobile application https://www.mujrozhlas.cz/blizka-setkani -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Dvojka website: https://dvojka.rozhlas.cz/ Facebook: / crodvojka Twitter: https://twitter.com/CRoDvojka?lang=cs