Provided by: Sonova Consumer Hearing Japan Momentum True Wireless 4 Amazon → https://amzn.to/49GYVV7 Rakuten → https://a.r10.to/hk6gQ0 Momentum True Wireless 4 + BTD600 Set Amazon → https://amzn.to/3wgLyfN Rakuten → https://a.r10.to/hUbd9p * Some URLs in the description section contain affiliate ads. 0:00 Sennheiser MTW4 is finally here! 0:56 What kind of product is it? 3:23 What's changed from the previous model? 5:13 Fit 5:50 Sound quality 9:29 Sound personalization 12:16 Virtual listening 13:12 Noise canceling 17:11 Operability 18:35 Other points 21:17 Summary ★ Please subscribe to the channel → https://bit.ly/3txp7fI Need some great music? Check out Artlist now and get 2 months free! https://artlist.io/artlist-70446/?art... ★I've started broadcasting audio on Voicy! https://voicy.jp/channel/2163 I'm broadcasting various things such as behind-the-scenes stories and private stories, so I'd be happy if you followed me. ▼Sub-channel https://bit.ly/308GM0K [Twitter] / nabe640 [Instagram] / nabe640 [LINE] https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40bhi6014s [Blog] https://watakazu.com/ For work requests, please use the form below or the email address listed in the YouTube profile. https://fulfilling-llc.com/contact / @watanabekazumasa (Please note that we do not reply to inquiries other than work. It may take some time to reply.) #Sennheiser #momentumtruewireless4 #mtv4 #MomentumTrueWireless #Momentum #WirelessHeadphones