GUS BAHA'S TEARS ALMOST BREAK OUT RECALLING GUS DUR'S FALL (FULL DURATION) How cruel.‼️A person as sincere as Gus Dur, someone betrayed him! MasyaAllah ... ___ The following is Gus Baha's ngaji. Exclusive! He admires Gus Dur through the perspective of Fiqh. Gus Baha is absolutely certain that what happened to Gus Dur was not at all a coincidence, either in deciding a policy or in terms of nationality, which later turned out to be a guide for the world. But what Gus Dur did, in Gus Baha's view, was indeed done deliberately and not at all far from what his ancestors did. Gus Dur who is very Fiqh! Gus Baha was almost moved to tears looking at Gus Dur. This is not a cult! Try to see it with your heart! Lahul fatihah ... Source : Tebuireng Official The 10th Haul Event of Gus Dur December 21, 2019 Video Link : https://www.youtube.com/live/oX3EdE2D... Tag : haul gus dur, tebuireng jombang, tebuireng Islamic boarding school, grandson of the founder of NU, kh hasyim asy'ari, gus dur's lecture, gus dur's humor, poetry without wathon, exclusive interview, gus dur president, gus dur deposed, gus dur the nation's teacher, latest gus baha, ngaji with gus baha #dakwahnusantara #haulgusdur #tebuirengjombang #pondokpesantrentebuireng #grandsonofgusdur #khhasyimasyari #seramahgusdur #humorgusdur #poetry without wathon #exclusive interview #gusdurpresiden #gusdurdeposed #gusdurgurubangsa #gusbaha #gusbahaterbaru #gusdur #funnysermon #descendantsofwalisongo #historyofclerics #trending #kyaimarzuqi #gusmuwafiq #prabowo