Istanbul was occupied by the Allied Powers de facto on November 13, 1918 and officially on March 16, 1920. Whether official or de facto, this occupation would one day come to an end, no matter what the form. The people had complete faith and absolute will in this regard. This faith and will were most strongly expressed in Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s words, “They will go as they came!” This documentary tells the story of how the imperialists “came” on November 13, 1918, “how they went” on October 6, 1923, and the struggle for the liberation of Istanbul, which was under occupation between these dates. Ekrem İmamoğlu ISTANBUL METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY MAYOR --- ekrem imamoğlu social media accounts: / imamogluekrem / ekrem_imamoglu / ekremimamoglu / iamekremimamoglu / ekremimamoglu / ekrem.imamoglu Have you watched other videos on the channel that you might like?: A DIFFICULT ASK: • THEATER ACTORS ASKED A DIFFICULT ASK ECE DİZDAR ... BANK CHATS: • SİNAN SQUARE BANK CHATS #1 ISTANBUL CURIOUS: • TAKSİM SQUARE PROJECTS REFEREUL VOTE... ISTANBUL'S HERITAGE: • Heritage of Istanbul OUR CRAZY PROJECTS: • Our Crazy Projects TRANSPORTATION: • Transportation THE ISTANBULITE • The Istanbulite Hello my precious fellow countryman; I am Ekrem İmamoğlu. I am from Trabzon. I am married and have three children. I graduated from Istanbul University, Department of Business Administration in English. I am a person who is very fond of the values of the Republic, believes in the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who sheds light on my life, protects all the values of our society from thousands of years of history, and has the highest level of national feelings. I have been living in Beylikdüzü since 1991. I was elected as the Mayor of Beylikdüzü in 2014 and the Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality in 2019. Since the day I was elected, we have carried out very beautiful projects together with all segments of our society, without any discrimination. We have made Beylikdüzü more livable together. We have succeeded there together, and we will succeed in Istanbul too. You can follow my YouTube channel and social media accounts to get to know me and the ancient city of Istanbul better. Ekrem İmamoğlu Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor ** Ekrem İmamoğlu Official Youtube Page. The official Ekrem İmamoğlu YouTube Channel