Speaker: Ustadz Abdullah Zaen, Lc., MA (Guardian of Tunas Ilmu Islamic Boarding School, Kedungwuluh, Purbalingga) Location: At-Tawireja Mosque, Grecol, Purbalingga Time: Sunday, 17 Rajab 1440 H / 24 March 2019 M ===== DONATIONS FOR DAKWA CAN BE DISTANCED TO: BNI Syariah 0534718333 (code 427) in the name of Eko Mugianto ???? Please confirm via SMS / WA 0857-7769-0900 (Kang Edi) Format: Donation # Name # Address # Date # Donation Amount ===== LATEST VIDEO UPDATES, FOLLOW UTSMAN TV MEDIA ???????? Youtube: / utsmantv Facebook: / utsmantv Instagram: / utsmantv Telegram: https://t.me/utsmantv Twitter: / utsmantv Please share this video... ???? “Compete in goodness.” (QS Al-Baqarah: 148)