Serving since the establishment of Maslak Atatürk Auto Industry Site, İskender Egzoz shared with our The Makina followers how he carried the flag of the exhaust company founded by his father and uncle in Maslak Auto Industry Site 49 years ago and turned it into a brand and how he transformed the exhausts he made for world-famous cars into art. What is Chrome and Titanium Exhaust? How should headers be made? We have prepared a super biography for The Makina - Special File with EXHAUST JEWELLER İskender Usta, who makes exhausts for giants of the automobile industry such as Porsche and Lotus with his magnificent team and transforms exhausts into art in Maslak Industry! İskender Osançlıol : / iskenderosancliol Please; After watching the video, DON'T FORGET to like it if you liked it, share your suggestions and criticisms with me in the comments section and share the video on your social media accounts to support me! Videographer : Buğra Akpınar (http://goo.gl/fUk4VF) Subscribe! : http://goo.gl/ycQC62 FOLLOW Buğra Akpınar! INSTAGRAM : http://goo.gl/gzVUNl TWITTER : http://goo.gl/6HwVm4 #themakina #exhaust #industry