Many people have difficulty with chord changes, powerchords, and simultaneous notes (thirds, double stops, etc.). What many of them don't know is that they probably practice this the same way they did in the beginning. In this video, I'll help you speed up the mechanics of your left hand (or right, if you're left-handed) with a simple idea. LINKS: How to play guitar on the computer and set up your home studio (focused on guitar) https://go.hotmart.com/B59576376E?dp=1 eBook: Música e Rotina: Como Evoluir sem para https://www.amazon.com.br/M%C3%BAsica... Study guitar with me and improve faster! https://go.hotmart.com/G59948471V?dp=1 Instagram: www.instagram.com/BrunoGoncalvesGuitarrista