A heavy topic this time: how do you deal with perpetrators of sexual abuse in church? Is there a place for them in the Christian community? And when do you start talking about forgiveness? Not too soon, says Paul van Dam. Paul was a victim of sexual abuse as a child. Churches start talking to victims too soon about forgiveness. Désirée Dijk is a restorative mediator and often sits at the table with perpetrators and victims of abuse. What next for perpetrators in church? The safety and needs of victims must come first. 'For that, it may be necessary for a perpetrator to go to a sister church from now on.' But then the perpetrator may also be heard. People who have made a mistake and have a little self-insight often suffer from a heavy burden. That is why the church must also be there for them. As a person. Paul leads church services and regularly preaches about the story of David's son Amnon who raped his half-sister Tamar. 'Then I hear people say: we never used to read that story from the Bible at home. It turns out that the father of the family himself had loose hands.' There are Tamars in the church, but also Amnons, Paul tells his audience. And there are people in the church who, like King David, remain silent about what happened. Without openness, abuse in the church is a wound that continues to fester, say Désirée and Paul. In episode 40, Dick and Daniël talked to theologian and expert by experience Marie Hansen about what sexual abuse does to a victim. #40 - Why talking about sex prevents abuse Also read: The church is at odds with perpetrators. How do you deal with someone who has made a mistake in a Christian way? https://www.nd.nl/geloof/geloof/12414... #religion #church #podcast #christian #god