A part of the special feature "Is the minimum wage causing a crisis in small and medium-sized enterprises a lie? What is the complex relationship between "wage increases" and "annual income walls"? [Tracking! The reality of the news]" from BS TV Tokyo's "Nikkei News Plus 9" broadcast on October 6, 2023 will be distributed on YouTube. ▼ The full version is available on "TV Tokyo BIZ" (free for the first month of membership) ▼ https://txbiz.tv-tokyo.co.jp/nkplus/c... ▼ Click here to register as a "TV Tokyo BIZ" member (free for the first month of membership) ▼ https://txbiz.tv-tokyo.co.jp/lp/?utm_... The minimum wage was raised in October, and the national average exceeded 1,000 yen for the first time at 1,004 yen. One issue that arises as wages rise is the so-called "annual income wall," where if annual income exceeds a certain amount, social insurance premiums are incurred and take-home pay is reduced. With the increase in the minimum wage and the increase in hourly wages due to labor shortages, the number of people limiting their working hours is increasing, making it more serious. We will consider what is needed to solve the problem. [Guest] David Atkinson (CEO of Konishi Art Crafts) #RealTrackingNews #NaomiTrauden #MinimumWage #SalaryBarrier #Salary #SocialInsurance #LaborShortage #IbarakiPrefecture #GovernorOigawa #Apparel #AI Planning #BOS #KurilonKaseiBS TV Tokyo "Nikkei News Plus 9" Program HP https://www.bs-tvtokyo.co.jp/plus9/