For the Long State? • Salat and Greetings in Tashahhud With Youngsters... Salat and Greetings in Tashahhud Fiqh 55 with Youngsters Halis Hodja (Abu Hanzala) In order to be updated about our special posts that we do not publish on our other social media accounts, you can subscribe to our WhatsApp line by clicking on the link; https://bit.ly/2xHiHzN From the Darkness of Disbelief to the Light of Revelation… To Support Our Channel; https://bit.ly/2MCiNmM For Tawheed Lessons Channel; https://bit.ly/2K8UdYy For the Meaning of Tawheed: https://tevhidmeali.com/ To Watch All Videos; https://tevhiddersleri.org/ To Reach Our Magazines and Books: http://tevhiddergisi.org/ Contact: +90 535 766 45 45 You can ask your Sharia questions to [email protected].