BRAZIL DOSSIER: download now the unprecedented document with all the shortcomings, inefficiencies, wasteful spending and other problems that hold Brazil back. Link ???? https://lp.mmakers.com.br/lp-dossie-b... Who is buying stocks in Brazil these days? The current scenario of the Brazilian financial market is causing confusion even among the most experienced investors. With foreigners redeeming, individual investors withdrawing and the sale of shares of large companies, many are wondering: who is still buying stocks in Brazil? In a time of uncertainty, with inflation that is relentless, the stock market seems to be at an inflection point. However, in the midst of all this, there are those who see opportunities for profit, betting on the recovery of shares of solid companies and on the potential of the Brazilian market in the long term. The key to taking advantage of the best opportunities is to look for companies that continue to pay dividends and have good growth prospects. After all, Brazil is different from countries like Argentina, and the political and economic scenario can generate good opportunities for those who know where to invest. Do you believe that Brazil is heading towards an economic recovery or is the risk of a crisis still high? Leave your opinion in the comments! If you liked this content and want more analysis on the financial market, don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel to keep up with all the news. ???? WATCH THE FULL EPISODE ON YOUTUBE: • PEDRO CERIZE'S IDEAS AND DESTINY... - - - - - - - - - IS THE BEST TIME TO INVEST IN THE STOCK MARKET NOW? Host: Thiago Salomão (@_salomoney), Josué Guedes (@josueguedes__) and Matheus Soares (@maatssoares) Guest: Pedro Cerize, businessman and investor #ECONOMY #BRAZIL #STOCKEXCHANGE #FISCALCRISIS#INVESTMENTS #THIAGOSALOMAO #MARKETMAKERS