[AUTOPROMOTION] You can watch the entire podcast here: https://wiadomosci.onet.pl/tylko-w-on... You can listen to the full version of the podcast in the Onet Audio application: https://onetaudio.app.link/XwkCUI6kyKb Witold Jurasz's guest in the "International Report" podcast is Natalia Szewczak, a journalist from Business Insider Polska, specializing in Korean issues. In the conversation, we focus on topics such as: Comparison of the North Korean regime with Stalinist totalitarianism and the Islamic State. The possibility of unification of North and South Korea. The potential impact of Kim Dzong Un's lifestyle on changes in the system of government in North Korea. International aspects of the growing tension on the Korean Peninsula and the risk of war. Listen to the "International Report" podcast every Tuesday and Thursday on Onet Audio. #internationalreport #live #20241022