Question 1: Why does the Quran not include belief in destiny when it lists five of the fundamentals of faith in verses Al-Baqarah 177, Al-Baqarah 284-285 and An-Nisa 136? Doesn’t the fact that the Quran does not explicitly list them strengthen the claim that belief in destiny was added to the fundamentals of faith later? When we say belief in Allah, we should understand belief in all the statements between the two covers of the Quran. Question 2: As you know, there are many words derived from the root qa-de-re in the Quran. None of the verses in which these words appear explicitly mention belief in destiny. Where they do appear, they are used in the meanings of “prediction, measure, amount, law, law, etc.” Are there any verses in the Quran that explicitly mention belief in destiny? Verse numbers of some of them: Al-Ahzab, 33/38; An'am, 6/59; Anfal, 8/42; Qamar, 54/49; Qamar, 54/52, 53; Furqan, 25/1,2; Hadid, 57/22, 23; Tawbah, 9/51; Taghabun, 64/11; Insan, 76/30 Question 3: Was the issue of belief in fate ever an issue during the period of the Companions and Tabi'een? It is said that this issue emerged during the Umayyad period and afterwards, and that the Umayyads added to the principles of faith in order to conceal their own oppression. Is this claim true? The iqamat of Hz. Abu Bakr in the events of apostasy is the same as the iqamat of Ahmad b. Hanbal in the events of mihna. There are 26 hadiths related to fate in Imam Bukhari's Sahih. Imam Rudani's compilation named Cem'ul-Fawâid has been translated into Turkish as the Great Hadith Collection. There are nearly 50 hadiths in the Chapter of Destiny in the 4th volume of this book. Question 4: The narration that explains the conditions of faith and Islam in the best way is the narration known as the hadith of Gabriel. However, even though the five principles listed in the Quran are included in the variant of this narration that passed by Imam Bukhari, it is not considered as belief in Destiny. Doesn't this mean that there is no condition of belief in Destiny? Imam Qurtubi calls the hadith of Gabriel “Umm al-Sunnah/The Mother of the Sunnah” due to the importance of its message. The Companions who narrated the hadith of Gabriel to us in our hadith books and the number of narrations are as follows: • Narrated by Abdullah b. Omar from his father Hz. Omar: 9 narrations • Only Abdullah b. 12 narrations reported by Omar • 6 narrations reported by Abu Hurayrah • 2 narrations reported by Abu Hurayrah and Abu Dharr together • 2 narrations reported by Anas ibn Malik • 2 narrations reported by Abdullah ibn Abbas • 1 narration reported by Jarir ibn Abdullah “Islam is to worship Allah and not to associate partners with Him, to establish the prayer, to pay the zakat and to fast in Ramadan.” “Faith is to believe in Allah, His angels, the meeting with Allah, His prophets and the resurrection on the Day of Judgment.” (Bukhari, Kitabu'l-Iman, 38) So why is there such a deficiency in this narration of Hz. Abu Hurayrah? A few possibilities can be considered on this issue: 1. The narration belongs to Hz. He may have narrated it like this because he heard it wrong or incomplete when hearing it from the Prophet (pbuh). 2. He may have heard the narration completely when he heard it from the Prophet (pbuh), but may have forgotten some words and sentences over time. 3. He may have reported it without paying attention and assuming that he said it completely because it contained well-known truths. We can categorize the reasons for the increase in the narrations of the hadith of Gabriel under four main headings: 1. The answers given to the questions that some of the Companions asked, despite the increase in those who did not believe in fate in the Islamic world that day. We can give the narration narrated by Abdullah b. Omar in Muslim as an example. 2. The answers given to questions about the mosque of the Prophet (pbuh), the etiquette of conversation, and the descriptions of those states while chatting. We can give the narration from Abu Hurayrah in Abu Dawud as an example. Answers to questions about how the Prophet (pbuh) taught the religion to the Companions. We can give another narration from Abu Hurayrah in Ishaq ibn Rahuyah. 4. Answers to questions about the angel of revelation Gabriel. We can give the narration from Jarir ibn Abdullah in Abu Muhammad al-Ansari. Yahya ibn Ya'mar informed us about the narration from Muslim... I am clear of them and they are clear of me.” “By Allah, even if one of them had gold as much as Mount Uhud and spent it all on good deeds, Allah would not accept their good deeds unless he believed in destiny.” (Muslim, Iman, 1, 5; Tirmidhi, Iman, 4; Abu Dawud, Sunnah, 16) Question 5: Is marriage destiny or will? If Allah (swt) has already determined who I will marry, is there any need for me to make an effort?