... because they can come true...? You've probably had a terrible thought that terrified you and perhaps even scared you that your thinking about it will actually come true... How powerful are our thoughts and is thinking about the negative really that destructive? If our thoughts create our reality, then is it true that we can manifest bad things? How important is a strong emotional charge? Why do we create negative scenarios in our heads more often than positive ones? What if we are aware that we are thinking about the bad, but then we convince ourselves on a conscious level that this is not true? Why do bad things happen to honest, sincere, truthful people? Life is beating them up, the universe is punishing them, bad karma, or maybe something else that they can influence? Don't miss watching the video! Sponsor of the show: Darilo teme, a book that helps us realize the higher purpose of difficult life trials: https://klepetobkavi.si/trgovina/podr... Chat over coffee is a television show for a healthy lifestyle, which is broadcast on Planet TV every morning around 9:00 (8:45) and in the afternoon on Planet PLUS. However, the fact is that our wild schedules are sometimes impossible, so we also publish all content on the YT channel, publish news, we have also created a podcast, and at the same time we organize events (workshops, lectures, excursions, trips, even education). ????Website: www.klepetobkavi.si ????♀️Access to events: https://klepetobkavi.si/dogodki.html ????Facebook: www.fb.com/klepetobkavi ????Instagram: / klepetobkavi ????Phone: 02 6200 230 ????Podcast: https://klepetobkavi.si/podcast.html The purpose of all the content we offer is for viewers to find information that can help them live a better quality of life. Or good information that can help a family member, neighbor, or colleague. The focus is on a holistic view of the human being, and the topics also touch on complementary medicine, healing, personal growth and spiritual development, esotericism, psychology, ecology, nutrition, and other areas.