In 2014, the Russian Ministry of Sports revived the GTO Complex and approved standards that do not include fast running for those over 40, and running at all for those over 60. Did they do the right thing? I think not. People at this age run, run fast and a lot. And in my opinion, these people do not age as planned by the Ministry of Sports, precisely because they run! Vkontakte: https://vk.com/valeryzhumadilov Facebook: / valery.zhumadilov Instagram: / valeryzhumadilov #ValeryZhumadilov #running #runningtechnique #howtorun #runningfor #sprint #athletics #sport #healthynutrition #health #after50 #strengthtraining #runningtraining #ZhumadilovValery #running #sprint #athletics #trackandfield #joging #run