Andresa Boni questions Luiz Felipe Pondé whether the teachings of Stoicism are applicable in modern society. Pondé reflects on how contemporary life challenges Stoic ideals and what could shock ancient philosophers when observing our society. Pondé also explores the difference between the values of the Stoics' time and our own, especially with regard to how we deal with time, discipline and the nature of emotions. #TVCultura #LinhasCruzadas #LuizFelipePondé #Sêneca #Estoicismo ▶️ DOWNLOAD THE CULTURA PLAY APP ▶️ Play Store: http://bit.ly/3KUUHhI Apple Store: http://apple.co/3LgEK72 Subscribe to the channel and click the bell to be notified of news! Follow the TV Cultura Journalism networks! Facebook: / journalismtvcultura Twitter: / newspaper_culture Instagram: / journalismtvcultura TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jornalismotvc... Website: https://tvcultura.com.br/