In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Most Gracious. May the complete and complete blessings and peace be upon our Prophet. In the dictionary, "Istinja" means removing impurities. In the terminology of the jurists, removing impurities with water and something similar to it or wiping them with something similar to a stone is called istinja. It is sunnah to perform istinja from any thing that removes ablution except sleep and menstruation with something similar to a stone. Not with a bone, dung, or the right hand. Then it is proper to wash it. If it has spread beyond the mahraj by more than one dirham, it is obligatory to perform istinja from it. After washing one's hand, one should wash it with the inside of one's fingers, loosening the mahraj with exaggeration. Then one should wash one's hand. It is makruh to face the qibla or to turn around in the halal. We would not be wrong to call the information under this heading as etiquette. This important act, which is repeated several times in the daily life of every person, has been given great attention in the Sharia. Islam has established the practice of personal cleanliness in a very systematic manner since ancient times. Let us begin to study this information. It is sunnah to perform istinja with something like a stone from every thing that nullifies ablution except sleep and urination. It is not permissible to perform istinja from things that nullify ablution such as sleep and urination, insanity, and intoxication. Of the rest, if the impurity is less than one dirham, it is sunnah to perform istinja. Most scholars say that performing istinja is a definite sunnah for both men and women. This is because the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, always did this. Imam Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, and Ahmad narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever performs istinja with a stone, let him perform an odd number. Whoever does so, it is good. Whoever does not do so, there is no sin.” They said. Not with bones, dung, and the right hand. The jurists derived this ruling from the following shari’ah evidence. It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went to relieve himself, and I followed him. He would not usually look behind him. I approached him and said: ‘Bring me some stones, that I may perform Istinja with them, (or something similar, he said) do not bring me bones or dung.’ I brought stones in the hem of my garment, placed them beside him, and turned away. He performed his qada’ (time-limited) defecation and used them.” Narrated by al-Bukhari. Similarly, one cannot perform Istinja with things that have the characteristics of these two things. This is because bones are considered food waste and dung are animal waste. Some scholars have said that it is also makruh to perform ablution with things like food, coal, glass, rags, and tree leaves. After that, it is obvious that one cannot perform ablution with useful things. Some of our ancient scholars said that performing ablution with paper is makruh. This is because paper was scarce in their time. It is not permissible to perform ablution with paper that is still in use today, especially paper with writing on it. However, all scholars have permitted performing ablution with paper specially prepared for ablution. This is because it is something specially prepared for this purpose.