#piping #irrigation We prepared this exclusive video to answer your question about whether it is better to bury the pipes or leave them on the surface. And we will also present the types of piping, advantages and disadvantages of each. So that when choosing your irrigation system, you are prepared to select the piping that best applies to your reality. See why INVEST IN THE IRRIGAT REEL⤵ https://irrigat.com.br/wp-content/upl... We deliver throughout Brazil.✔ Want to read more about irrigation: ⤵ https://www.irrigat.com.br/blog Visit our website:⤵ https://www.irrigat.com.br Join our exclusive group on Telegram and receive videos about irrigation first hand. ???????????? If you don't know what Telegram is: it is an application similar to WhatsApp, but with many more features. Try it by clicking on the link: https://t.me/carreteisIRRIGAT