Is India surrounding Bangladesh on both land and water? Bangladesh is in turmoil! Is India surrounding Bangladesh on land and water? Recently, information about a secret military agreement with Pakistan was leaked Is the life of the Yunus government limited? America is going to take big steps against the oversight government? What is Trump's big decision after returning to power after taking the oath? Mahatma Yunus broke down in the media! CN Calcutta News #calcuttanews #calcuttanewslive #kolkatanewslive #newsfrombengal #livenews #hindu #dhaka #bangladesh #muhammadyunus #khaledazia #hindumonk #chinmoykrishnadas #india #primeministermodi #jamat #bangladeshiarmy For any query on Cable TV reception, please contact 9051399471 Download CN App for Apple: Download CN App for Android: Social Media Handles: Facebook:- / akdcalcuttanews Instagram:- / akdcalcuttanews Twitter :- / calcutta_news For information, contact : [email protected]