To see the rest of the debate ???? https://bit.ly/guerre-des-sexes To see other shows ???? https://bit.ly/CCeSoir ___________________________________________________________________ ???? WHAT IF PATRIARCHY HAD NEVER EXISTED? This is our guest, historian and demographer Emmanuel TODD… His latest book is a rather violent attack on the new generation of feminists, petty bourgeois women who, according to him, have embarked on a war of the sexes whose first victims would be working-class women… A book and a thesis that goes against the grain in a post-Me Too world where the feminist question has become central… A provocative book, often disturbing, but which has the merit of sparking debate. With: ➤ Emmanuel Todd - Historian ➤ Laetitia Strauch-Bonart - Journalist & essayist ➤ Titiou Lecoq - Journalist & novelist ➤ Georges Vigarello - Historian The show is available in replay on https://bit.ly/guerre-des-sexes And for those who do not live in France, it is also available as a podcast.