1. If a baptized person does not want to be a Christian, does he need to undergo a ritual de-baptism? If a person from a Muslim or Jewish family does not want to be a Muslim or a Jew, does he need to perform a ritual of leaving Islam or Judaism? 2. Is it possible to officially leave Christianity or another Abrahamic religion? 3. Was Adi Jai a Muslim or a Christian? 4. Can a Shaivite, a Hindu, place a crucifixion cross or an icon of Jesus Christ on his altar? The video answers these questions. Telegram chat on the topics of tantrism, yoga, philosophy and metaphysics: https://t.me/Pujas_of_Jaya_Ashram Instagram: @adijayadhar Website: https://abhichara.com/ Facebook: / amjayadhar VK: https://vk.com/id280408675