Friends, as you remember, part 1 of the podcast was devoted to the topic of large debts and how to quickly get rid of them. In the second part of the podcast about debts, we touch on another relevant topic of consumer loans and mortgages. Why the majority of the population is mired in loans and lives in debt, how correct it is to take consumer loans, what are the risks when buying a home with a mortgage. I hope that you will find it useful. Enjoy watching! Ⓜ️ Our partners are Marine Health with the Cardio Marine product. Cardio Marine will improve heart function and strengthen blood vessels! To purchase the product, follow the link - https://bit.ly/3Desm3o 📌 PART ONE OF THE GEMBA PODCAST - • Message from Tokayev Debt stories on m... 📌If you want to learn more about business, efficiency and my life hacks, subscribe to my educational platform https://margulan.info/ I am in other social networks: Instagram - / margulan_seissembai YouTube KAZ - / @МАРҒҰЛАНСЕЫСЕМБЕЙ YouTube UZB - / @margulonseysemboevuzb2948 TikTok - / margulan_seissembai Telegram - https://t.me/MargulanSeissembai Facebook - / seimargulan Linkedin - / margulan-seissembayev-914b3946 VK - https://vk.com/margulan_seissembai Twitter - / mseissembai Margulan info - / margulan_info Margulan Travel - / margulan_travel Kaizen Club - / kaidzen.club