Is asking for intercession shirk? Halis Bayancuk Hoca You can subscribe to our WhatsApp line by clicking on the link to be updated about our special posts that we do not publish on our other social media accounts; https://bit.ly/2xHiHzN Question: Hodja! Is it shirk to say “Intercede for me!” to a dead or living person? Answer: The literal meaning of intercession is; the opposite of the single/even. The effort of someone to join another and meet his/her needs and help with his/her requests is called intercession. It is generally used in the sense of a higher rank helping/intermediating someone lower rank. The Quran has divided intercession into two parts: negative and positive Positive Intercession (Proven/Accepted Intercession): It is the intercession that Allah (swt) allows and approves of for the intercessor/been interceding. The intercession granted to the prophets, angels, martyrs and righteous believers is the intercession sought only from Allah. “None will have the authority to intercede except those who have taken a promise from the Most Gracious.” (19/Maryam, 87) He knows what is before them and what is behind them. They do not intercede except for those whom He pleases. And their hearts tremble in fear of Him.” (21/Anbiya, 28) “Those they call upon have no authority to intercede except for Him. Except those who bear witness to the truth with knowledge.” (43/Az-Zukhruf, 86) “How many angels are in the heavens whose intercession is of no benefit except that Allah gives permission for whom He wills and is pleased.” (53/An-Najm, 26) Negative Intercession (Negated/Rejected Intercession): It is the intercession appointed by the polytheists and sought from the person who is believed to intercede, regardless of whether Allah (swt) allows it or not. “They worship things other than Allah that can neither harm nor benefit them, and they say, ‘These are our intercessors with Allah.’ Say, ‘Do you inform Allah of what He does not know in the heavens and the earth? Glory be to Him and glory be to Him above what they associate.” (10/Yunus, 18) It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (ra): “Warn those closest to you among your people…”57. (26/Ash-Shu’ara, 214) When the verse was revealed, the Messenger of Allah called the Quraysh. They came and gathered. The Messenger of Allah addressed them generally and specifically. He said: ‘O sons of Ka’b ibn Luay! Save yourselves from the Fire. O sons of Murrah ibn Kab! Save yourselves from the Fire. O sons of Abdush-Shams! Save yourselves from the Fire. O sons of Abdumanaf! Save yourselves from the Fire. O sons of Hashim! Save yourselves from the Fire. O sons of Abdulmuttalib! Save yourselves from the Fire. O (my daughter) Fatima! Save yourself from the Fire. I have no authority to prevent anything from coming from Allah regarding you. However, I am related to you and I will continue this relationship.’ (Muslim, 204) Asking for Intercession! Asking for Intercession from the Dead: Calling out to the dead and asking for intercession, regardless of who is asked, is polytheism. Because; Calling out to the dead means asking from him; and this is supplication. Supplication is worship and is made only to Allah (swt). “Certainly, the mosques belong to Allah. (Therefore) do not call upon another (god) along with Allah.” (72/Jinn, 18) “Supplication is worship itself.” (Abu Dawud, 1479; Tirmidhi, 2969) Asking for Intercession from the Living: For example, saying to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) while he is alive, “Intercede for me!” or making a request to someone along the lines of, “If I become a martyr and Allah (s.w.t.) gives you the authority to intercede, will you intercede for me?” This is not polytheism. Because: “It was narrated from a male or female servant of the Prophet (pbuh) that the Prophet (pbuh) would ask his servant, ‘Do you need anything?’ One day the servant said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, I have a need!’ The Prophet asked, ‘What is your need?’ He said, ‘Intercede for me on the Day of Resurrection.’ The Prophet asked, ‘Who taught you this?’ The servant replied, ‘My Lord.’ The Prophet said, ‘...Then help me by increasing your prostrations.’ (Ahmed, 16076) From the Darkness of Disbelief to the Light of Revelation… To Support Our Channel; https://bit.ly/2Xx0vnW For Abu Hanzala Hodja Channel; https://bit.ly/2XzV7jZ For the Meaning of Tawhid: https://tevhidmeali.com/ To Watch All Videos; https://tevhiddersleri.org/ To Access Our Magazines and Books: http://tevhiddergisi.org/ You can ask your sharia questions via the e-mail address [email protected]. #Intercession #TevhidMagazine #EbuHanzalaHoca Ebu Hanzala Hoca Tevhid Magazine Tevhid Lessons Religious videos Halis Bayancuk