The multi-layered Baumkuchen is considered the ultimate challenge due to its complex production. You don't need a rotating skewer or an open fire to make the Baumkuchen tips. Simply mix the dough for the layer cake or tips, bake layer by layer in a springform pan or on a normal baking tray and then cover with chocolate coating. Your Baumkuchen tips are ready. I wish you every success and look forward to your feedback, including with regard to the Swabian term. Ingredients: 5 eggs (size M) 1 pinch of salt 150 g sugar 100 g marzipan paste 3 tbsp rum (alternatively: orange juice) 200 g soft butter 120 g wheat flour (type 405) 15 g cornstarch (1.5 tbsp) A little butter for the mold FOR THE GLAZE 500 g dark chocolate 2 tbsp neutral cooking oil (e.g. sunflower oil) Preheat the oven to 240 degrees on the grill function, bake each layer until light brown Swabian term: Ribale or Kneizle = slice of bread