???? Friendly gadget store BIGGEEK (discounts on promo code DROIDER for our subscribers): https://biggeek.ru/s/ip14vs-ip16-droider ????We are in Telegram) https://telegram.me/droidergram Every year, by tradition, we ask ourselves one of the most important questions - which iPhone to choose? We take the last couple of generations and the new one and try to understand: what is really new and what is worth or not worth overpaying for. This year, the battle between the iPhone 14, 15 and 16 turned out to be fierce: almost half an hour tried to decide which of them is better! Subscribe! ↓ ↓ ↓ https://goo.gl/CbimGk CONTENTS: 00:00 Introduction 01:10 The price of the issue 01:53 Evaluation of appearance 05:24 Comparing screens 08:36 What about the cameras? 12:00 Photo styles and Camera Control button - only in iPhone 16 15:27 Sound recording 17:15 Processors and hardware 20:17 Apple Intelligence - only in iPhone 16, but not right away... 21:50 Battery life: comparing batteries and operating time 23:38 Conclusions ???? Our PODCAST Droidercast: Apple Podcasts: https://bit.ly/droidercast Podster: https://droidercast.podster.fm More videos and reviews on: http://Droider.ru http://VK.com/Droider_ru / droider_ru Boris Vedensky, Valery Istishev and Mitya Ivanov are in touch with you! Smartphone reviews, exhibition reports, news from the world of technology and much more on the most popular channel about gadgets in RuNet Droider.Ru! #android #iPhone #iOS #Droider