#TeatruRadiofonic #IonMarinSadoveanu #SfarsitDeVeac #TeatruAudio #TeatruVechi #TeatruOnline #MariActoriRomani #TomaCaragiu #OctavianCotescu Please support us to continue this project and to listen to new recordings that you cannot find on youtube with the great Romanian actors on / theater In the last decade of the 19th century, the archivist Iancu Urmatecu became the trusted man of Baron Barbu and the administrator of his estate. The young man Barbu B. Barbu (pronounced Bubi), son of the baron, is seduced by Jurubita, revealing to the young man that the archivist has been deceiving the baron for years, something confirmed by Joachim Dorodan. The young Bubi obtains the baron's approval for establishing a mirror factory, on the Negovanu estate in Valcea county, with the support of Italian craftsmen. Cast: Toma Caragiu, Fory Etterle (Artist emeritus), Clody Berthola (Artist emeritus), Ştefan Mihăilescu Brăila (Artist emeritus), Eugenia Bosânceanu, Octavian Cotescu, Sorin Gheorghiu, Ileana Stana Ionescu, Gheorghe Novac, Virginia Stoicescu, Dana Cosma, Traian Stanescu, Matei Gheorghiu, Dan Damian. In other roles: Paul Nadolski, Ion Igorov, Pompiliu Rădulescu, Nicolae Crisu, Traian Moraru, Constantin Tudose, Mircea Medianu