#TeatruRadiofonic #IoanAlexandruBratesescuVoinesti #DouaSurori #TeatruAudio #TeatruVechi #TeatruOnline #MariActoriRomani The acquaintance was made on an autumn day, when the cashier's child — frightened by a carriage, which was about to run over him — ran into Elena's yard, in her lap. Many times she had wanted to talk to the child, but she had missed the opportunity; but now he took him in his arms, took him to the house, gave him a drink of water to overcome his fear and, because he was a talker like a big man, at least he was saying half the words, he stopped him for a while with the dance. The child, very close, answered all his questions, telling him his name was Nitu. Cast: Violeta Andrei, Rodica Mandache, Virgil Ogăşanu, Victoria Mierlescu, Alexandrina Halic, Tamara Buciuceanu (Batez), Rodica Popescu (Bitănescu), Radu Panamarenco, Mihai Fotino. In other roles: Ileana Serban, Gheorghe Pufulete, Violeta Berbiuc, Cristian Molfeta, Crenguta Manea