In Büttenwarder everyone agrees: Günther Griem, the greedy landowner and mayor of Klingsiehl, is to blame for all the misery. His name is mentioned with contempt, the anger he arouses is holy. Then, during the chat in the village pub, the very man who was so reviled turns up and personally hands Büttenwarder's mayor Schönbiehl an invitation to the annual gala in Klingsiehl. And instead of throwing it at the feet of the cunning power politician, Schönbiehl hastily thanks him for the invitation, immediately changes his mind and actually doesn't think Griem is so bad after all. Glamour event in Klingsiehl The villagers are outraged. Griem is already preparing for the next blow - and invites Brakelmann to the glamour event in Klingsiehl. Of course, everyone expects Brakelmann to turn down the invitation. And of course he accepts it. Ostensibly to settle accounts with Griem at his own party, in reality to find buyers for fallow land. The Büttenwarder are to be shown up Griem's invitation begins to drive a wedge into the village community. But then Adsche is also invited, along with Kuno and village policeman Peter. Schönbiehl suspects that Griem is using the Büttenwarder to show them off as village idiots for the amusement of his illustrious guests. So he gives the friends lessons in table manners and polite small talk. Gala or Brakelmann's 60th birthday? And soon everyone is talking like a complete idiot. And it is Adsche of all people who draws Brakelmann's attention to a detail of the invitation that he had not noticed before. Coincidence or not: Griem is holding his gala on Brakelmann's 60th birthday. Actually, the farmer could not care less. But somehow the date does make him think. Episode 60 / 2014 / buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de/buettenwarder / Neuesausbuettenwarder https://www.ndr.de