#Ask now #Stocks Investment idea from P'Mee on the day SET nearly fell below 1,600 points 0:01 Let's get started 0:57 Are the falling stocks an opportunity? 18:02 Investment perspective when the stock market starts to move down 22:51 How does P'Mee look for stocks? 32:33 Interesting city opening themes (restaurants, hotels) 49:26 Bill Gates buys hotel stocks 50:54 Export theme 53:44 Is flooding a concern? 54:34 Is there anything to worry about from the Fed's policy? 59:58 Real estate theme Ask P'Mee again, Khun Tiwa Chinthadapong, the public's favorite value investor By Ik Banphot Thanapemsook, AFPT -------------------- #Everything that investors need to know You can follow us on all channels: Youtube: http://bit.ly/TAM-EIG_Youtube Clubhouse: https://bit.ly/3mmJgVA Line Official: http://bit.ly/TAM-EIG_LINE Twitter: https://bit.ly/2UFAczy