If you want to support me: http://tipeee.com/sylvqin Lafont Presse, a magazine publishing company, has been plagiarizing for several years, copying entire articles from websites or even Wikipedia. Even though they are regularly accused by the plagiarized people and the media, they survive and reach almost 15 million in annual turnover. Who is behind this company, why do they continue to do this? Investigation into the world of plagiarism, once again, and the curious world of the press. / sylvqin / sylvqin / sylvqinlapage http://sylvq.in Music: Paternoster Poetry - Soft-spoken -- Sources and excerpts broadcast in the video -- Twitter: Thread by David Attali on “Le magazine de l'aviation”: / 1072140363601711104 Thread by Megamadus on “Jeux Vidéo Revue” and the observation of the poverty of the content: / 1025793033298694146 Thread by Corentin Lamy on “Jeux Vidéo Revue” and its sources: / 1026566965069008906 Tweet by Celmicia about “BOTW expected for 2018”: / 1020342022425767936 Press articles: “Copy and paste: when a magazine pumps Wikipedia shamelessly” (Nouvel Obs): https://www.nouvelobs.com/rue89/rue89... “Robert Lafont, copy-paste publisher” (Le Monde - paid article): https://www.lemonde.fr/m-actu/article... “We spent a morning with a Parisian newsagent”: https://www.lejdd.fr/medias/presse-ec... “Newsagent, a job to die for - Meeting with Pascal Clément”: https://www.acrimed.org/Kiosquier-un-... “Newsagents will be able to better select the magazines distributed (Le Monde)”: https://www.lemonde.fr/actualite-medi... The rest: A Robert Lafont website to sell one of his books “Fortune within everyone's reach”: https://secrets-pour-reussir.com/ Robert Lafont at Morandini Live: • Video Response from Maxyme Hubner (ACBM): http://www.acbm.com/virus/1019_Jeux_V... MotorLegend forum where Maxyme Hubner is discussed: https://forums.motorlegend.com/vb/sho... e-train forum which discusses plagiarism in Lafont Presse magazines: http://forum.e-train.fr/viewtopic.php... The blog which contains the accusations in comments against Maxyme Hubner: http://chouchouhouse.blogspot.com/201... Robert Lafont's presence on the MLP board (CSMP): http://csmp.fr/Menu/La-distribution/D... Robert Lafont's open letter to Emmanuel Macron broadcast on Entreprendre and MLP.fr: http://www.mlp.fr/fileadmin/user_uplo... Thanks to Antoine Clerc Renaud for his interview on Jeux.ca: http://jeux.ca Thanks to Presse-Papiers for its information on the world of press distribution: / presse_papiers #buzzinvestigation