Young filmmaker David Sieveking meets his idol David Lynch during an adventurous self-quest that highlights the contradictions of Transcendental Meditation (TM). This investigation leads him to the movement's founder, Maharishi, who was once the guru of the Beatles. Today, TM is a global consortium, promising world peace and yogic flight. How does this fit with David Lynch's dark films? Inspired by his idol, the young filmmaker also begins to meditate, delving ever deeper into the strange world of TM. Subscribe to the channel: https://goo.gl/4bVtZk Follow us on Facebook: / wocomo The documentary is a dive into the enigmatic world of transcendental meditation, because behind the promise of well-being and world peace, the movement founded by the guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi hides a reality much less idyllic than it claims. It is precisely because his icon, the director and master of surrealism David Lynch known for his ingenious and mystical filmography, promotes TM through his foundation, David Lynch Foundation, that the director wants to discover more in depth what is hidden behind TM. The director, lacking inspiration, thinks he has discovered in the methods of his idol, a way to take back control of his stalled career as well as his life. This existential quest but also for truth will take him across the world, from Berlin to New York via India, to understand this charismatic figure that is Maharishi Yogi, whose precepts Donovan and the Beatles followed but also many millionaires. And precisely through his investigation and the testimonies of former followers, the director will quickly understand that he is not being told everything, that the promise of an earthly paradise is only artificial and only a marketing strategy to attract more and more followers. The millions of dollars offered by Western followers only served to enrich the guru. With irony and seriousness, David Sieveking offers a fascinating documentary on spirituality and meditation and the sectarian excesses that they can lead to. Original title: David Wants To Fly Title at arte: David and the King of Gurus A film by David Sieveking 2010, © Licensed by Lichtblick #sect #spirituality #davidlynch #investigation